Happy Derik is a delightful children’s animation project produced by Pixune Studios. The project features two main characters: an elephant and a child. Designed as a musical animation series, Happy Derik combines engaging stories with captivating music provided by the client.
Happy Derik is a testament to Pixune Studios’ ability to create engaging and high-quality children’s animation. The combination of charming characters, captivating music, and vibrant 3D animation resulted in a delightful series that resonates with young audiences. This project highlights our expertise in managing comprehensive animation projects and our commitment to delivering exceptional content for children.
During the first meeting with Mohammad, I learned a lot about YouTube marketing and the process of creating 3D animation. Although their price was higher than my budget, I decided to collaborate with them because of their quality and communication. I really enjoyed working with Pixune Studios because they were always in touch and ready for meetings and revisions. Since quality is their first priority, even though I was satisfied with the design of the main character of my YouTube animation, they designed it again from scratch at their own expense to make a memorable mascot for my animation. And finally, the result was much better than my expectations, so that we are planning the next project with them.
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