“Matilda and the Brave Escape” is a heartfelt and inspiring animated short film brought to life, narrated by the talented Bella Ramsey. This captivating story is based on the true and courageous journey of Matilda, a pregnant pig who made a daring escape from a Nottinghamshire farm and gave birth to ten piglets in the woods.
Our team worked closely with Smash Studios to create a visually stunning and emotionally impactful animation that captures the essence of Matilda’s bravery and resilience. It was a privilege to contribute to this meaningful project and collaborate with passionate storytellers dedicated to bringing this heartwarming tale to audiences worldwide.
We are beyond happy to have found Pixune Studios and will gladly continuing our collaboration with them for all our animation projects. Ashkan is an extraordinary talent, bringing immense dedication and passion to our short film. The realism and depth they infused into the characters were truly remarkable, elevating our project to a new level. The team at Pixune Studios demonstrated exceptional professionalism and flexibility throughout the entire process, enabling us to achieve a level of quality that would have been unattainable without their expertise. Their attention to detail, creativity, and commitment have made a significant impact on our short film. We are immensely grateful for Pixune Studios and highly recommend them to anyone seeking top-notch animation services. We look forward to many more successful projects together!
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