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Baby Berry – 3D Kids Animation

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Project Description

Baby Berry is a highly successful YouTube channel dedicated to children’s content, boasting millions of views across its videos. The channel, originally based in Turkey, has garnered a global audience and features content in multiple languages. Pixune Studios was brought in to revamp and enhance the existing characters and environments, addressing issues in topology and improving overall visual quality.

Project Scope:

  1. Character Remodelling and Enhancement:
  • The original characters had significant topology issues, which Pixune Studios resolved by completely remodelling them.
  • We improved the quality of the character models, refining details and adding new textures and clothing to elevate the visual appeal.
  1. Environment Redesign and Animation:
  • The project involved a complete overhaul of the existing environments, including new lighting, shading, and rendering techniques.
  • We created high-quality animations and meticulously designed environments to enhance the overall storytelling experience.
  1. Storyboarding and Animatics:
  • While the client provided a general idea and music for the project, Pixune Studios developed a detailed script, storyboard, and animatics (also known as story reels) to guide the animation process.
  • We handled all aspects of the visual storytelling, from initial concepts to the final animated product.
  1. Project Challenges:
  • One of the main challenges in this project was aligning the artistic and directorial vision between Pixune Studios and the client. Multiple edits and revisions were made throughout the storyboarding and animation phases to ensure the final product met the client’s expectations.
  • Despite these challenges, the final render quality and overall production were significantly improved compared to previous iterations of the content.
  1. Timeline and Execution:
  • The project was completed within approximately two months, with Pixune Studios handling all aspects from character design to final rendering.
  • The improved version of Baby Berry’s content has since received several million views on YouTube, reflecting its success and the positive reception from its audience.

The Baby Berry project is a testament to Pixune Studios’ ability to enhance and revitalize existing content, ensuring it meets modern standards of quality and appeal. Despite challenges in creative direction, the project successfully resulted in a visually stunning and engaging series of animations that continue to perform well on YouTube. The improvements made in character design, environment quality, and overall animation have solidified Baby Berry’s position as a popular and well-received children’s content channel.

Project Details

Project Category

Animation Category

Art Style


Blender, Maya, 3Ds Max, Cinema 4D, ZBrush


2 Months

Services We Provided

3D Animation
3D Rigging
3D Rendering
3D Texturing

Behind The Scene

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