
Lead Animator
Lead Animators are great at both being creative minds and great at leading teams. They begin at the bottom and...
NPR Non-Photorealistic Rendering
The way NPR technology allows games to build their own amazing styles instead of striving to seem “real” is just...
3D Layout Artist
General Concepts
A 3D Layout Artist is the real MVP in creative teams across many industries. They build amazing 3D worlds and...
Storyboard Artists
General Concepts
The Storyboard Artist position combines digital expertise with conventional drawing techniques. These artists use cheap ($250–500) and expensive ($1000–2000) professional...
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General Concepts
3D modeling is now a $2.92 billion business that will likely grow to $6.87 billion by 2027. It’s common for...
Animated Cryptocurrency Ads
Do you remember when crypto ads were just plain dull? In 2009, they were full of technical jargon that made...
The Impact of Animation on Education
Animation is changing the way we teach and learn; it’s not just another tech trend in schools. Whether it’s making...
What is the Animation Pipeline? Complete Guide to 3 Main Stages
The animation pipeline is like whipping up a gourmet meal, but you’re cooking cartoon magic instead of food. It’s a...
Character concept art - model sheet - Concept art of a futuristic robotic warrior in yellow and black armor
Game concept art books are an eye-catching utopia for anybody who has ever drooled over a game’s looks. In these...

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