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How much does it cost to create a 3D model?
General Concepts
In today’s digital age, 3D modeling has been stretched in various industries. 3D character modeling prices can be found anywhere...
How long does it take to make a 3D model?
General Concepts
When it comes to 3D projects, 3D modeling is considered one of the most important stages of the pipeline which...
charcter design cost
General Concepts
Character design is one of the most essential parts of each project, whether game or animation. Character design rates range...
concept art
General Concepts
The concept art process involves researching, sketching ideas, refining selected designs, and creating final renderings. It’s important to consider that...
UI Design
General Concepts
User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are crucial to creating digital products and services that are both useful...
game art pipeline
A game art pipeline comes into play where a development team is going to develop the game’s vision from concept...
Transmedia Storytelling
General Concepts
Transmedia storytelling is a popular technique to tell a story differently across multiple platforms. In this technique, the story is...
3D texturing
General Concepts
As one of the most critical parts of the animation production process, 3D texturing gives your 3D models depth, structure,...
Animation Ideas for Beginners
Animation ideas have the main role in motivating and assisting in bringing your vision to life. Animation is an engaging...
Staging in animation
Staging is one of the most important principles among all 12 principles of animation. It refers to the composition and...
3d Modeling Vs. Sculpting
3D modeling and sculpting are both techniques for creating 3D objects, but they differ in approach and typical applications. Modeling...
Pixar (2)
If not the best, Pixar is undoubtedly one of the most popular animation studios on the face of the planet....

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