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Why 3D Explainer Videos?

Why 3D Explainer Videos?


Animated explainer videos are something you’ve undoubtedly heard of, but if not, we’re here to fill you in on what they are and why they have become so popular in recent years as a type of advertising. Animated explainer videos are brief films that last between 60 and 90 seconds. They are more frequently employed for commercial gain. Since this is a relatively recent trend, people are creating these movies to stay current. In reality, it’s a straightforward but effective tool for every marketing strategy. These days, an increasing number of well-known corporations employ animated videos to promote their goods.

What Are Explainer Videos?

Animated explainer videos are brief pieces of media that aid in quickly and effectively illuminating difficult concepts. One of the most effective tools available to content marketers today, they work to position your company’s goods (or services) as the ideal answer by speaking to the problems of your target audience.

Your business can enhance conversions, create brand awareness, lower bounce rates, and generate leads by using animated explainer video services. Everything from a single, excellent piece of video material. Not a big deal at all, huh?

Explainer video

What Makes a Good Explainer Video?

Five things characterize all popular explanation videos.

  1. Short in length: Explainer films are usually under three minutes in duration, but the greatest ones are frequently shorter—between one and two minutes.
  2. Strong call to action (CTA): These videos need to make it very clear what they want the viewers to do after watching.
  3. Problem-solving-focused: Explainer films are concentrated on addressing a particular issue, outlining their offering, and demonstrating why they are the answer.
  4. Match the brand and the audience: They work best when the tone and style are appropriate for both the target audience and the brand.
  5. High quality: To effectively explain a concept, explainer videos must be of a high quality, both in terms of production and content.

How then are the finest explainer videos able to maintain their succinctness, excellent quality, compelling call to action, and understandable solution? They all have a similar format.

What: What issue is the audience facing?

How: How will your solution (product/service) fix it?

Why: What makes you the audience’s best option?

3D explainer videos frequently neglect to emphasize why in favor of the what and the how. They do an excellent job of discussing a product or service, but they fall short when it comes to conveying the core mission of the business. Your business needs to convey a compelling core mission statement that connects specifically with their intended audience in order to explain the why. This may be done by using video marketing to identify who their target audience is. Here are the best examples of explainer videos for 2023. 

What makes a good explainer video?

Different Types of Explainer Videos

You must first choose the type of explanation you want to make before you can start producing your own. Three main categories may be seen in the majority of explainer videos.

The most common choice is an animated explainer film. This is because they are visually appealing and relatively simple to make—no expensive productions are needed. The instructive nature of explainer videos makes them more aesthetically appealing than those with a man talking while standing in a room. Animated explainer videos come in a variety of forms and serve a variety of purposes, including:

Infographic: These mimic the look of an infographic while outlining the salient aspects of your company through the use of graphs, charts, and creative iconography.

Chalkboard: This overdone yet well-liked animated explainer film style, which includes writing on a chalkboard or whiteboard, is well-liked due to how simple it is to produce.

Product simulation: This is best used as a high-level overview of a piece of software or a digital platform and includes real screencast footage of your product in operation.

Character-Driven: This explainer video tells the tale of your product or service and how it might alleviate your customer’s concerns using adorable cartoon figures that ought to reflect your potential customer.

Motion Graphic: This sort of explainer film, which is typically 3D-animated, tries to communicate the tale of your product or business using representational items to capture the audience’s attention without using words.

Live Action Explainer Videos: In these videos, humans and inanimate items are used to describe the goods and services offered by your business. The live action explainer video is more difficult to execute, but wonderful when done effectively. It requires a lot of imagination to keep things engaging. The spokesperson in these explainer movies typically guides the viewer through a visual journey while describing the company’s product and service. They frequently serve as the company’s founder or CEO and emphasize their vision and purpose.

Crowdfunding Explainer Videos: These short explainer videos are another well-liked video format. These explainer videos can be animated or live action, and frequently they combine the two. By definition, every crowdfunding video is an explainer video, but they frequently take longer since they need to provide additional details about how they intend to use the money they receive. When done well, a unique explainer video for crowdfunding may make or break a campaign and raise hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Is it possible to promote a business or product without employing animated explainer videos? Yes, you certainly can. However, you’ll be losing out on a lot and are likely to be easily outclassed by the opposition.

To expand your business, you must make animated explainer films for the following reasons. You’ll discover the benefits of animated explainer videos and why they’re essential to your company’s success.

Are your customers looking for explainer videos?

Our current lifestyle involves checking social platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram to make product decisions. A 2022 GWI Gen Z report reveals that 46% of Gen Zers use TikTok to find out about products and brands, and 69% rely on Instagram. As a marketer, logic dictates you must create explainer videos for your company and post them on social media.

Since you should offer relevant content consistent with your market and its customers, not only will this allow you to be present where your customers are, but it will also allow you to provide for what they are looking for.

3D explainer videos

Tells and paints your story

Storytelling is one of the most effective marketing strategies. It allows you to cast your brand and service in a way that your audience relates to and helps you elicit an emotional reaction. You can easily connect with your customers and strike a better chord. But using animated explainer videos enables you to take your storytelling to the next level. 

Animated explainer videos help you do more than tell the story; they enable you to paint it even further. You can give your audience a more vivid and realistic feel of the story you’re trying to tell. To do this, marketers usually leverage whiteboard animation to draw and illustrate their thoughts into a creative explainer video that conveys their message and tells the story plainly and effectively. If you have difficulty sharing your thoughts, different types of storyboards are what come to help you.  

Makes even the most complex topics easy to digest

One of the main reasons you should dig into creating animated explainer videos is that they help you break down even the most complex concepts, ideas, and features of your product. You can leverage the power of whiteboard animation, illustrations, 3D and 2D models, and Motion Graphics to bring any concept to life and get your message across properly. 

For example, you can use 3D and 2D models with motion graphics to portray your tool’s interface and give your users a feel of its use. You can also provide a demo of how to use your tool and break down even the most intricate part while explaining how the tool works. 

you can also use whiteboard animation and illustrations to paint a situation or draw illustrative elements that help you better explain to your audience what your product or concept is about. Below is a good example of how the creator used an animated explainer video composed of whiteboard animation and illustrations to show how proteins function in our bodies. 

Explain what your product does in seconds

Today’s world of short attention spans has marketers running for marketing strategies that are fun, concise, and brief yet still granting enough to allow them to convey their messages thoroughly. Animated explainer videos are best for this. An explainer video is a more engaging way to communicate with your prospects than having to give them an extended presentation.

They help you explain what your product does succinctly and efficiently. Better still, you can compress your product offering and benefits (using illustrations and motion drawings) into explainer videos of 60 to 120 seconds. This allows you to quickly grab the attention of your target audience and get them to watch the full video. Here is a great example from Christian Weaver who uses VideoScribe.

It’s fair to say most people have very little knowledge of the law. Furthermore, it can sometimes be challenging to understand the terminology and ideas in this field. Still, Christian Weaver was able to break down our protest rights in 60 seconds using an animated explainer video.

What is explainer video used for?

Increases conversion rates

Animated explainer videos help companies clearly convey their value proposition and capture attention, and for that reason, they are ridiculously effective when it comes to converting clients. Dropbox has conducted an experiment that further supports this.

The startup created a stellar explainer video and removed all the content on their homepage but the video. The video counted 750000 views in one month and increased its conversion rates by 10%. This 10% conversion rate translated into thousands of extra sign-ups per day. 

The main reason animated explainer videos are effective for conversion is because they combine images, motion, and audio to ensure your message is clear and memorable. In other words, they leverage visual and verbal cues to effectively convey the brand’s message, which has proven to improve message retention. 

Tells your brand’s narrative

Not only will an animated explainer video showcase your product’s features to your target audience and increase sales, but it will also help create a brand personality for your company, which can help win over prospects. The characters, storyline, and animations in your video work together to create an image that helps prospects visualize your brand uniquely. This will help heighten your brand awareness and help you stand out from the competition.

You can easily set your company apart from competing brands, and your prospects will have a unique image to associate your brand with. Two companies that do this very well are Nike and Adidas. Whenever we think about sportswear and jerseys, these are the top companies that come into our minds because of their brand personality.

Guaranteed ROI

Animated explainer videos also guarantee a return on investment for every dollar you spend on creating them. And according to a study, 88% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing. 

As you’ve seen above, they convert easily, facilitate your SEO efforts, keep your site into the good books of the Google algorithms, and are very cost-effective. It’s no secret that an animated explainer video will cost you far less money than a live-action video.

Guaranteed ROI

To Conclude

You have now grasped e a few convincing justifications for why making an animated explainer film for your company is a smart idea and why they are so successful. By using animation films, you may more effectively communicate your message and help potential customers comprehend your offering as a solution to their problem, which will lead to an increase in sales. Using the capabilities of VideoScribe, you may produce your animated videos on your own, or you can hire a professional to make your animated explainer videos.

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  • Mohammad Goodarzi

    With a comprehensive background spanning art, animation, game design, and development, our marketing lead brings a uniquely holistic approach to the Pixune Team as the head of the marketing department. This diverse expertise allows for a deep understanding of client needs, ensuring marketing strategies are not just effective, but also grounded in practical development knowledge.

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