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What Are the Careers in 3D?

What Are the Careers in 3D?


3D graphics are three-dimensional representations of objects, characters and environments created using computer software. A career in 3D can be exciting and rewarding for creative and technical-minded individuals. If you feel a dopamine rush when you look at 3D graphics and enjoy working with computer programs, you should probably consider a career in 3D. There are many interesting career options related to 3D graphics. In this post, we will cover the main 3D roles in the industry.

Careers in 3D Modeling

Careers that fall under the category of 3D modeling involve creating 3D models such as characters, props, and environments using 3D design software and preparing them for game, animation, and film projects. This process has multiple stages, each requiring specialized expertise. While a 3D artist may serve as a generalist and handle all tasks related to creating 3D objects, the 3D industry typically relies on various types of artists.

3D Modeler

As the name implies, a 3D modeler creates 3D models. The modeling process involves manipulating points and lines in a three-dimensional space to define the geometry of a 3D object, also known as a mesh. 3D modelers use programs like Maya or Blender to create and refine 3D shapes based on sketches and reference images. They ensure that 3D models have clean topology and optimize their polygon count based on the type of project they will be used in.

A 3D Modeler Man behind his desk

3D Sculptor

While 3D modelers create 3D objects by manipulating individual points and edges, 3D sculptors use digital brushes to deform and mold 3D shapes, much like clay artists. 3D sculpting involves working with high-polygon shapes that are difficult to manipulate point by point. Therefore, sculpting brushes mold them in batches to achieve the desired form. 3D sculpting is particularly suited for creating organic shapes like characters and creatures. 3D Sculptors use software like Zbrush and Blender for their work.

Texture Artist

Texture artists create and apply textures to 3D models. By default, 3D models do not have any material or color. Textures are 2D images wrapped around 3D models to enhance their visual realism. Texture artists create UV maps that define how textures should be applied to 3D models. Creating materials for 3D models and refining these materials is also a part of their role in 3D texturing. Texture artists use programs like Substance Painter, Mari, Photoshop, Blender, and Maya.

Character texturing female creature with purple hair and green skin

Rigging Artist

A rigging artist creates and applies bone systems to 3D models. Bones are applied to various parts of a 3D model to allow animating specific parts independently from each other. After creating bones, rigging artists meticulously adjust which parts of a 3D mesh a specific bone affects in a process called weight painting. Rigging also involves defining the relationship between bones and their hierarchy. Rigging artists also handle creating inverse kinematic systems for humanoid rigs. These systems facilitate character animation immensely. 3D Rigging artists work in 3D animation programs like Maya and Blender.

3D Animation as a Career

If you enjoy analyzing how objects and people move, and dynamic movements excite you, 3D animation is a career you should look into. 3D animators bring life to inanimate characters and objects. They animate these characters using bone systems by setting them in various poses across different frames. Animation involves manual editing and keyframing of multiple entities in a scene over time.
3D animators produce animation for a wide range of creative projects, from video games to feature animation and commercial animation projects. They create animation using programs like Maya, Blender, and Cinema 4D.

Careers in 3D Game Development

3D games are another area that individuals interested in 3D careers can consider. 3D games are usually made using game engines and populated with assets created using 3D design software. Coming up, we will explore some career options in 3D game development.

Game Developer

Game developers are usually programmers who create the logic and gameplay mechanics for a game. They write scripts using programming languages like C# and C++ to create game functionalities. Some game engines allow game developers to create games using visual scripting systems as well. Game developers can target mobile, PC, and console devices using game engines. Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot Engine are the most popular game engines.

Game Developer Artist Station

3D Game Artist

3D Game artists create 3D game assets and environments for games. They set up game environments inside game engines and create proper lighting and atmosphere according to the game design. They also design and prepare 3D characters using programs like Character Creator, Blender, and Maya, then import them into game engines. Game artists also handle applying animations to characters and setting up animation trees inside game engines. 3D game art also require visual effects like blood, water, fire, explosions, and spells that are created by game artists as well.

Careers in Visual Effects (VFX)

A career in visual effects is an exciting choice for creative individuals who love making cool visuals. Creating visual effects involves blending technical skills with artistic flair. Visual effects are created by applying various compositing and post-processing effects to 3D animation or live-action film. The field of visual effects encompasses various tasks, from modeling to applying the final effects. 3D visual effects can be created using various software such as Blender, Houdini, Maya, and composited using Nuke and After Effects.

VFX-Guardians of Galaxy

3D Motion Graphics as a Career

Motion graphics is an exciting career option in 3D art. 3D Motion graphics artists create animated videos that captivate audiences with eye-catching movements, transitions, and effects. Motion graphics are used in various fields, such as advertising and education. 3D motion graphics are typically created using Cinema 4D, but other software like Blender and Maya can also be used.

3D Design and Architectural Visualization

3D design has become a popular method of creating visualizations and simulations for various industries. Architecture is a field in which 3D design is very popular. An architectural visualizer is an architect who uses 3D design programs to create visualizations for actual architectural projects. Designing interior and exterior architectural designs and real estate visualizations are some tasks they handle. 3D Max, Lumion, and Unreal Engine are examples of programs used by architectural visualizers.

How to Start a Career in 3D

Like any other computer skill, starting 3D is as easy as downloading a program. The best way to start a career in 3D technology is through hands-on practice and getting good at whatever career path you are interested in. There are thousands of tutorials and courses available on the internet. After learning the skills, the next step is to publish your work to create a strong portfolio. If you are passionate enough about 3D and keep being consistent in your efforts, securing a job in 3D is not that difficult.

Final Words

There are numerous career opportunities in 3D. Choosing among various options can be confusing at first. We recommend trying different 3D disciplines to see which one you like more and what works for you. 3D is a hands-on field; you will never understand what workflow you enjoy more without trying. There are many free software options you can download and jump right into 3D. Even paid software often comes with some free plans. 3D is an exciting field. If you consider yourself creative and you enjoy creating amazing visuals, it can be a rewarding career path.

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  • Nazanin Shahbazi

    Nazanin is a multifaceted content manager who blends her talents in writing, design, and art. We know her as a writer by day and a reader by night. With a mind that never rests and a pen always at the ready. As an expert in art, Nazanin continues to explore the intersections of creativity and the written word.

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